Even if you don't have a Children's Choir or Drama Program, KidsWorks has many scripts available for teaching Biblical stories and lessons within your kids ministry. Great for Sunday School, Children's Church, VBS, Camps, etc., all scripts below are available for PDF download. Custom scripts may also be commissioned at a very reasonable price; please inquire.
Introduces the concept of ETERNITY to children by comparing things that "seem" to last forever.
Cast: 1 female adult, 1 male teen or adult, 1 female teen or adult • Performance Time: 5 minutes
Set Requirements: none • Topics: Eternity, Creation, Genesis 1
Price: $5.00
Introduces the concept of original sin to children, and teaches that Jesus saves us from sin.
Cast: 1 adult, 4 children or teens, 2 male, at least 1 female • Performance Time: 5 minutes
Set Requirements: none • Topics: Creation, Genesis 1-3, Sin, Adam & Eve
Price: $5.00
Introduces the story of Noah & teaches children that God's plan should always be followed.
Cast: 1 male adult, 2 teens, 1 adult leader • Performance Time: 5 minutes
Set Requirements: none • Topics: Genesis 6 & 7, Noah, God's Plan
Price: $5.00
Teaches that God's judgement is real, but shows God's mercy & provision for Noah.
Cast: 1 female adult, 1 male teen or adult, 1 male adult • Performance Time: 7 minutes
Set Requirements: coffee table & 2 chairs • Topics: Genesis 7 & 8, God's plan, Noah, Mercy & Provision
Price: $5.00
Introduces the concept of God's Covenant with Abram, and teaches that God keeps His promises.
Cast: 2 female adults or teens, 1 puppet • Performance Time: 5 minutes
Set Requirements: puppet theater • Topics: Genesis 15, Abram, Covenant, Salvation
Price: $5.00
Teaches the story of Abraham and Isaac in a modern setting.
Cast: 1 male adult, 1 male teen or adult, 1 puppet • Performance Time: 7 minutes
Set Requirements: puppet theater • Topics: Genesis 22, Abram, Testing, God's Provision
Price: $5.00
Introduces the story of Mary's visit from the Angel Gabriel, and teaches that God can do the impossible.
Cast: 1 Puppet, 1 male teen or adult, 2 female teens or adults, Children's Pastor • Performance Time: 5 minutes
Set Requirements: none • Topics: Christmas, God's Power, Mary, Angels, Luke 1
Price: $5.00
Introduces the concept of faith, and teaches that Jesus is all-powerful.
Cast: 1 female adult, 2 male adult or teens, child from audience • Performance Time: 7 minutes
Set Requirements: none • Topics: Matthew 8, Faith, The Centurion, Healing, Miracles
Price: $5.00
Teaches about Jesus' miracles and power over death.
Cast: 1 female adult, 1 female adult or teen, 1 male adult or teen • Performance Time: 5 minutes
Set Requirements: none • Topics: Luke 8, The daughter of Jairus, The woman with the issue of blood, Faith, Miracles
Price: $5.00
Teaches about the second-coming of Christ and how to live until He returns.
Cast: 1 female adult, 1 male adult or teen, 6 audience volunteers • Performance Time: 6 minutes
Set Requirements: none • Topics: Acts 1, Second-Coming, Discipleship, Good Works
Price: $5.00
Teaches about God's omniscience and our accountabilty even for "hidden" sins.
Cast: 1 female adult, 1 female adult or teen,5 audience volunteers • Performance Time: 8 minutes
Set Requirements: none • Topics: Acts 5, Ananaias & Sapphira, Omniscience, The Early Church, Peter
Price: $5.00
Introduces the concept of discipleship to children, and teaches that we can all do great things for God.
Cast: 3 female adults or teens, 1 male adult or teen • Performance Time: 6 minutes
Set Requirements: none • Topics: Acts 7, Witnessing, Discipleship, the story of Stephen
Price: $5.00
Introduces the concept of praying for our "needs" and "wants", and that God always meets our needs.
Cast: 1 male adult, 2 male teens or adults, 3 female teens or adults • Performance Time: 7 minutes
Set Requirements: none • Topics: Prayer, God's Provision, The Lord's Prayer, Praying in the name of Jesus
Price: $5.00

This series of three short sketches teaches about the temptation of Christ from a kid's viewpoint.
Cast: 1 adult, 1 male teen, 1 female teen • Performance Time: 8 minutes
Set Requirements: none • Topics: Luke 4, Temptation, Sin, Witnessing
Price: $5.00
Illustrates the story of Paul & Silas in jail; teaches of God's infinite power & His servants' devotion.
Cast: 1 female adult or teen, 1 male adult or teen • Performance Time: 6 minutes
Set Requirements: none • Topics: Acts 16, Paul & Silas, God's Power, Worship, Faith
Price: $5.00
Introduces the concept of witnessing, and teaches that God is always with us.
Cast: 2 female adults or teens, 2 kids or teens, 1 male adult or teen • Performance Time: 6 minutes
Set Requirements: none • Topics: Witnessing, God's Promises, Paul's Shipwreck
Price: $5.00