• KidsWorks Music Kamp In A Box •
Everything you need to organize & present your own KidsWorks Music Kamp!
Schedules • Personnel Descriptions • Daily Bible Lessons • Drama Games & Kraft Instructions
All music books and tracks for your musical presentation . . . and more!

• Kids learn a 45-minute musical in one week
• Arts, Krafts, Drama Games
• Daily Bible Lessons
• Fun for kids age 7-14
KidsWorks Kamps are a unique opportunity for kids to express their talents through Christian children's music in a safe, fun, and God-glorifying environment. We send you all you need for a week-long day camp, Monday through Friday, 9am-3pm, and a fabulous Friday night presentation. You will be amazed how much the kids can accomplish in a single week! And they will have an unforgettable experience using their talents for the Lord, building confidence, teamwork and a great sense of accomplishment.

Pre-Kamp Checklist
Kamp Schedule
Personnel Descriptions
Daily Lessons & Prop List
Drama Games Instructions
Kraft Instructions
Advertising Coloring Sheet
FAQ Sheet
Piano/Director Book PDF
(with permission to print as needed for duration of your Kamp)
Performance Tracks Download
Performance Video Link
Choralography Video Link
Rehearsal Schedule
Stage Prop List
Auditioner Sheet
Casting Sheet
Choral Book PDF & Lesson Workbook PDF
(with permission to print as needed for duration of your Kamp)
Listening CD MP3s
(with permission to send digitally and/or make CDs for all Kampers)
2 Commemorative STAR Keyrings
Five Day Ultimate Superstar Kamp - $215.00

Musical selection for KidsWorks Kamps:
This unique musical is ideal in theme and content
for 5-day performing arts camp.
For more information about the musical,

What is the minimum/maximum number of campers to cover all parts?
We recommend a Minimum of 25, Maximum of 75.
What is the age range?
The age range for KidsWorks Kamps is 7-14 (having completed at least the first grade). Younger kids can be included, but tend to lack the attention span and stamina for a full day of camp.
Will I need many volunteers to help?
For each day of Kamp, we recommend one high school or adult volunteer helper for every 10 kids. Full personnel info is included in the Kamp package.

Do we need to do a full day Kamp, or can we just do half days?
Of course! If you would like to focus on just learning the musical and forego the afternoon Drama and Kraft Klasses, that's certainly an option.
Do we need to provide lunches and snacks for the kids?
How you handle food for your Kampers is up to you. We recommend providing two healthy snacks (fruit, raw veggies, crackers, juice, water, etc.). You may also wish to provide lunch, or you may have the kids bring their own lunches.
How do I publicize KidsWorks Kamps for my organization?
We provide publicity posters in PDF format, and recommend advertising through mailings and emails to your church body and community.