New for 2023!!! Praiseformance Christmas
Song Book of 10 songs including 1 "spong" (spoken song),
Includes popular selections from KidsWorks Christmas musicals: Charlie & the Cherub Cheerleaders • Josie and the Jinglicious Dream Lamp • A Candy-Coated Christmas Carol • Glow In The Dark.
For more info, click here.
Song Book of 10 songs and 2 "spongs" (spoken songs),
Includes popular selections from KidsWorks first three musicals: Ultimate Superstar • Life Is Good • Charlie & the Cherub Cheerleaders.
For more info, click here.

Favorite songs from Ultimate Superstar
*PDF Downloads of: Piano/Vocal Music, Lead Sheet, Lyric Sheet
**MP3 Downloads of: Vocal Demo, Split Tracks and Stereo Tracks
NOTE: MP3 Download links sent separately. Allow 24 hrs. for delivery.
$30 includes permission to duplicate for the duration of your performance
Click any play button to listen to an audio sample
Before A Fall
Theme: Proverbs 16:18, pride; giving God all the glory.

Clap Your Hands
Theme: Psalm 47; praise and worship!

Jesus Is A Friend O' Mine
Theme: John 15:13; Our friendship with Jesus.

Star For The King
Theme: Daniel 12:3; being a star in God's eyes.

Star Light, Star Bright
Theme: John 8:12; Jesus is our light.


Favorite songs from Life Is Good!
*PDF Downloads of: Piano/Vocal Music, Lyric Sheet
**MP3 Downloads of: Vocal Demo, Split Tracks and Stereo Tracks
NOTE: MP3 Download links sent separately. Allow 24 hrs. for delivery.
$30 includes permission to duplicate for the duration of your performance
Click any play button to listen to an audio sample

Theme: The story of Jonah; we can't hide from God.

O.T. Rap
Theme: Old Testament; stories of God's provision.

Real Joy
Theme: Psalm 68:3; joy & happiness are very different.

Psalm 23
Theme: Psalm 23; Jesus is our Good Shepherd.
Good Grief
Theme: Psalm 30:11; peace in the midst of grief.

Life Is Good!
Theme: Psalm 100:5; God made life and life is good!


Favorite songs from VoiceMessage
*PDF Downloads of: Piano/Vocal Music & Lyric Sheet
**MP3 Downloads of: Vocal Demo, Split Tracks and Stereo Tracks
NOTE: MP3 Download links sent separately. Allow 24 hrs. for delivery.
$30 includes permission to duplicate for the duration of your performance
Click any play button to listen to an audio sample
Theme: Romans 10:17); Faith comes from hearing

Fully Rely On God (F.R.O.G.)
Theme: Proverbs 3:5; Relying on God

Theme: Romans 12:2; Distraction from listening to God

Gotta Have It!
Theme: 1 John 2:15-17; Distraction because of worldly things

God-Shaped Space
Theme: John 7:37-39; Our need for God!

One Tiny Voice
Theme: John 14:6; Jesus is the way the truth and the life

Piano/Vocal Music - printable sheet music with melody line, lyrics, chords & piano accompaniment
Lead Sheet- printable sheet music with melody line, lyrics & chords
Lyric Sheet - printable lyrics with permission to duplicate for choir members & overheads
Vocal Demonstration - including Solos & Studio Choir vocals
Stereo Tracks - exactly the same as the audio mix that you hear on the Vocal Demonstration, but with all the vocals removed
Split Tracks - music in the left channel and the Studio Choir without Solos in the right channel
NOTE: MP3 Download links sent separately. Allow 24 hrs. for delivery.