What is the minimum/maximum number of campers to coverall parts?
We recommend a Minimum of 25, Maximum of 75.
What is the age range?
The age range for KidsWorks Kamps is 7-14 (having completed at least the first grade). Younger kids can be included, but tend to lack the attention span and stamina for a full day of camp.
Will I need many volunteers to help?
For each day of Kamp, we recommend one high school or adult volunteer helper for every 10 kids. Full personnel info is included in the Kamp package.
Do we need to provide lunches and snacks for the kids?
How you handle food for your Kampers is up to you. We recommend providing two healthy snacks (fruit, raw veggies, crackers, juice, water, etc.). You may also wish to provide lunch, or you may have the kids bring their own lunches.
How do I publicize KidsWorks Kamps for my organization?
We provide publicity posters in PDF format, and recommend advertising through mailings and emails to your church body and community.